We create and manage virtual stores (e-commerce), web pages, digital strategies and SEO with the conviction that every creative idea is born from knowledge and understanding of the market.

We analyze the market and based on the information obtained, we define the problem; finding new alternatives and strategic ideas that lead us to make Assertive decisions.

We draw up the action plan, applying the methodology of the SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and within the timeline).

We implement the strategic approach, digital strategies aiming at innovative solutions to meet our objectives.

Our foundation is that everything that can be measured, can be improved; that is why we provide our clients with indicators that allow us to enhance our results.

Have you thought about developing your website?
At Asertivo we create your site strategically oriented to:

Do you know the possibilities of online sales?
We develop your virtual E-commerce store
Shopping cart
Admin. Users
Inventory management
Wish list
Payment methods
Shipping settings

Do you have a virtual store (e-commerce) or web page, without impacting your results?
We strategically manage your website
+ User Experience
Admin + Content
Email Automation
Competitor analysis
Marketplaces integration
Results measurement

Are you looking to create a digital community around your brand?
We create digital strategies and experiences:
(Better practices)
Definition of objectives
Pattern optimization
Buyer Personas Identification
Content creation
Results analytics

Looking for a digital business partner to boost your innovative business idea?
Fill out the following form if you are interested in Asertivo being the digital business partner you are looking for to start up your winning idea and digital community strategy.